• Congratulations to all the connections of the Ohio Sires Stakes Finals competitors. Triumphant Caviar had winners in the 2-year-old filly trot with GABBYS C NOTE, and undefeated 3-year-old colt WINNING TICKET. Both champions trained by Chris Beaver and driven by Aaron Merriman..........
  • Abby Stables will be selling yearlings at the Buckeye Classic Yearling Sale in Springfield, Ohio at the Champions Expo Center on October 12th. If you're interested in seeing our yearlings before the sale, please call 330-852-0789..........
  • Thank you to all who bred to an Abby Stables stallion in 2021..........
  • Check out our "Racing" page for more of the latest winners..........


*Special 2020 Discount*
Click HERE to instantly fill out our Digital Breeding Contract.
Abby Stables
2990 State Route 93, Sugarcreek, Ohio
Office: (330) 852-0789 • Cell: (330) 204-5944 • Fax: (330) 852-3522
Email: info@abbystables.com • Website: www.abbystables.com
2025 WESTERN VINTAGE Breeding Contract
Service Fee or Syndicate Share:


Reg/Tattoo/Freeze Brand:
Name: CLR: Year Foaled:
Sire: Dam:
Sire of Dam:


Semen Delivery Address:
(if different from above)
Phone: Cell: Alt.:
* A copy of this contract will be sent to the email address provided.


Mare shipping in to be bred at Abby Stables, or will we be transporting semen?
Mare Ship-In   Semen Transport
Has your mare ever been bred?  Yes   No
  • Was your mare bred last year?  Yes   No
    • What stallion was she bred to last year?
    • Is she in foal now?  Yes   No
      • Due Date:
      • Has she already foaled? Yes   No
        • Foal Date:
Has this mare ever had difficulty foaling, breeding, or any other health problems? Yes   No


NOTE: Your payment for semen prep and shipping will be deducted from your card on file after services are rendered. PAYMENT by credit or debit card is required. Semen orders WILL NOT be shipped without payment. For semen pick up, cash or check is also accepted.
Name: FedEx Account #:
(if different from above)
Phone: Cell:
Card #: Exp. Date: CVV Code:


* TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Abby Stables must approve all contracts. This contract is valid only to mare listed and owner/agent/lessee named. All mares must be USTA registered. If the stallion becomes unserviceable, this contract is void. Neither Abby Stables nor the Stallion Syndicate, the stallion owner, their agents or employees, shall be liable for injury, disability or death suffered by this mare or its foal, from any cause. Abby Stables is authorized, at the expense of owner/lessee, without liability, to engage vet services, trim feet, worm, vaccinate, administer feed supplements, conduct veterinary examinations or do any other work on mare or foal deemed by Abby Stables to contribute to their general health; including the right to transport, in veterinary emergencies, to an appropriate veterinary treatment center. The service fee is due and payable when either the mare has a live foal or ownership changes. A live foal is one that is able to stand up and nurse. If the mare fails to produce a live foal, a service fee paid in advance will be refunded upon receipt of a certificate from a vet stating specifically that the mare has been pronounced barren, has slipped her foal, or has given birth to a dead foal; or the foal is unable to stand and nurse. The veterinary certificate must be presented no later than 30 days after discovery that there will be no live foal. In the event the mare is sold prior to foaling, the service fee, if unpaid, shall immediately become due and payable. There will be a 1.5% interest charge on all charges 30 days past due that relate to breeding/boarding/foaling/care of this mare and her foal, if applicable. Mating certificates will be mailed when all charges, including service fee, are paid in full.

Signature: Date:

* By typing your name in the box above, it will be considered an
electronic signature which is legally equivalent to a written signature.

* Today is 02/12/2025

At 2, Western Vintage was a force to be reckoned with achieving his mark of 1:49.4 in the Bluegrass Stakes at The Red Mile in Lexington, beating the field of top level colts by several lengths.  Owner, Perry Soderberg, said, "Western Vintage is one of the fastest horses that I have ever picked out as a yearling.  I have evaluated over 40,000 yearlings, and selected many top horses for Jimmy Takter and others.  Western Vintage is one of my all-time favorites and probably the one horse in his crop with the highest ability, in my opinion.  As he is a standout individual with a great gait, raw speed and an awesome attitude, I will breed to him and I am excited to buy his yearlings!"

Western Vintage swept the NJSS, winning the first two legs and then the Final to become the NJ State Champion for 2-year-old colt pacers.  He won the Metro Elim., finishing second in the final.  He comes from a long line of Champions including Adios winner, Vintage Master, Great Vintage and Silk Stockings.  Nancy Johansson trained Western Vintage throughout his racing career, she states, "Western Vintage is a charismatic and a naturally great gaited individual.  His quick turn of speed, good confirmation, determination and athleticism make him an obvious choice as a sire."  Driver Yannick Gingras concurs, "Western Vintage is a great gaited horse with very good manners and an incredible turn of speed."

Sire of Western Vintage, Western Ideal, continues to be very current through his progeny such as, son Artspeak, 3, 1:47.4m.  Communicators Hall of Fame Inductee, Dean Hoffman, said "Western Vintage was a brilliant 2-year-old. When a colt wins his first two career starts in 1:52.4 and 1:52.1, you know he's something special. He won at the Meadowlands, Mohawk, and The Red Mile. To me he was the best 2-year-old pacer of 2013 and I voted for him as the champion. He has a very contemporary pedigree with a deep maternal family. With his early speed, I don't see how he can fail to sire stakes winners."

From small crops, WESTERN VINTAGE has had Ohio Sires Stakes winners, Ohio Sires Stakes Finalists, Breeders Championship competitors and even stars at the fairs since his breakout year for 2-year-olds in 2018.  Some of his standouts include BOMBAY HANOVER, p,2, 1:51.3M ($92,149), ROSE RUN ULYSSES, p,4, 1:51.3f, ($200,602), AUTHENTIC HANOVER, p,3, 1:53.1f, ($104,296), OHIO VINTAGE, p,3, 1:52.4h ($95,858), THREEHUNDRED WIRTH, P,3, 1:51.0s.  In 2020, WESTERN VINTAGE, once again, had competitors in all realms of the Ohio program, including ELLAGATOR, p,3, 1:53.0f ($169,512), coming back to compete in the Ohio Sires Stakes Finals for 3fp, FOUR-STAR FLASH, p,2, 1:51.3h ($44,510), who also made the OSS Finals for 2cp, EPIC ACE, p,3, 1:51.4f ($82,846), who was a multiple stakes winner in the Buckeye Stallion Series for 3cp, and FREE THINKER, p,2, 1:54.0f ($64,025), who was a finalist in the Buckeye Stallion Series for 2fp.

WESTERN VINTAGE has the fastest 2-year-old mark, p,2,1:49.4, of any stallion standing in Ohio.  Take advantage of breeding your mare to this high speed, talented stallion.  Book early! This year, the owners of WESTERN VINTAGE are offering a COVID-19 special on his stud fee.  Book your mare and enjoy a $2,000 stud fee for 2021 bookings.

   Click here to view WESTERN VINTAGE's Photo Album
ELLAGATOR, Hollywood Dayton
Date:  10-09-20  Time:  1:53.0f
*Lifetime Mark

FOUR-STAR FLASH - Ohio Sire Stakes
Date:  08-17-20  Time:  1:51.3h
*Lifetime Mark

EPIC ACE - Buckeye Sire Stakes
Date:  08-29-20  Time:  1:51.4f
*Lifetime Mark

Date:  09-20-19  Time:  1:51.0f
*Lifetime Mark

NJSS 1st Leg, Meadowlands
Date:  06-29-14  Time:  1:52.4m

NJSS 2nd Leg, Meadowlands
Date:  07-06-13  Time:  1:52.1m

NJSS Finals, Meadowlands
Date:  07-13-13  Time:  1:52.2m

Metro Elim., Mohawk Raceway
Date:  08-24-13  Time:  1:51.3s

Bluegrass Stakes, The Red Mile
Date:  09-28-13  Time:  1:49.4m
*Lifetime Mark

NJSS, Meadowlands
Date:  05-17-14  Time:  1:49.4m

ABBY STABLES, 2990 State Route 93, P.O. Box 516, Sugarcreek, OH  44681
Phone:  (330) 852-0789   •   Fax:  (330) 852-0395   •   Email:  info@abbystables.com
All rights reserved. © Copyright 2011-2025